Dogs provide so many wonderful benefits for people of all ages, including those who are in their golden years. Dogs offer companionship, unconditional love, motivation to stay active, a cure for loneliness, and many health benefits such as decreased blood pressure and stress. Caring for and loving a dog also provides an older adult with much satisfaction and contentment.

1. Pug

pug-dog-breedThe adorable Pug is a toy dog made famous by the movie The Adventures of Milo and Otis. It has a wrinkled face and curly tail and is comical, entertaining, friendly, and a great lap dog that’s perfect for cuddling. Some pugs don’t require too much activity so can be good for a senior who’s not too active. This breed is sometimes stubborn but with some patience can be trained to cooperate and even do tricks. For senior adults who spend time with children, Pugs can be an ideal choice because they’re great with children.

2. Poodle

poodle-dogCurly-haired Poodles can be feisty and playful but are generally somewhat low-maintenance. They are wonderfully loyal, eager to please, and make ideal companions. They don’t like to be left alone so are good for seniors who are home much of the time. Poodles can be good watch dogs. Their fur doesn’t shed so they’re a great breed for seniors who have allergies and who don’t have a lot of time, money, or energy for grooming.

3. Shih Tzu

shih-tzu-dogThe Shih Tzu loves to spend time either indoors relaxing or outdoors taking a walk but tends to be more of an indoor dog overall. This breed doesn’t need a lot of space so can live in an apartment-type home. Personality wise, they enjoy playing, are affectionate, and love to be held. The down side is that they can be rather stubborn and difficult to train. They also need to be brushed daily, but it can be relaxing for a senior adult to sit and nurture an adorable Shih Tzu.

4. Beagle

beagle-dogGreat with people of all ages, from children to seniors, the Beagle is a hound dog with short hair so doesn’t require too much grooming. It is very loyal, intelligent, playful, happy, obedient much of the time, and overall easy to please. The beagle is a great watch dog, as it barks when it hears unexpected noises, but barking can be a problem when living in close quarters such as apartments. It’s a big larger than some other breeds, so seniors specifically needing a small dog should consider this. The beagle also tends to be energetic so is better suited to a more active senior. It needs a great deal of attention, but a senior needing companionship can be the perfect person to provide that.

5. Yorkshire Terrier

yorkshire-terrierThe incredibly cute Yorkshire Terrier is quite small and lightweight so is great for a senior who can’t pick up a heavy dog. It’s also a wonderful pet for a senior who has allergies because it doesn’t shed much. As far as personality, the Yorkie is curious, intelligent, and alert. It also is one of the best lap dogs so is a wonderful companion while reading, watching television, or just relaxing on the couch.

Other dog breeds can also be great choices for seniors. In general, a smaller breed that is less active is often a good match. A dog that’s not a puppy but is instead older and already trained tends to be lower in needs. Customize which dog you select, however, to your own individual lifestyle and needs. Enjoy your new furry companion!