If you make the choice to move your aging loved one(s) into an assisted care facility, you will need to move them into the facility. This means making their room feel more like a home and less like the sterile template you are likely to have when you first walk into the room.
The important thing to do is to make your aging loved one feel like they are at home when they’re in their room. This means that you need to bring personal objects that have some meaning to them, as well as utilitarian objects that will provide them with a source of joy or entertainment.

Depending on the facility that you’re looking to move your aging loved one into, they will likely allow you to ‘stage’ the room before you bring your relative to live there. This means that you will have the opportunity to move their personal effects in before you bring them to their new home, which you should definitely do.

What To Bring

Look at this as if you’re setting up an apartment for your aging loved one, and set it up appropriately. A few things that you will need to provide include:

  1. Furniture. A nice couch or chair, maybe a few tables, and most definitely a nightstand. You are likely going to want to provide them with appropriate furniture, and this may even include a bed, depending on the facility.
  2. Television. A television is a great way to spend a bit of time as the day ends for your aging loved one. Don’t forget to provide them with one, and include a DVD, Blu-Ray, or even a VHS player with some of their favorite films as well.
  3. Personal Computer. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a PC, either. Depending on your elderly loved one and their level of familiarity with technology, this can be anything from a PC to a laptop or even a tablet. Whatever is best for them, and it will give them the ability to reach the family via Skype or similar applications, as well as being another source of entertainment.
  4. Photos. It’s always nice to surround yourself with photographs of your family, and your elderly loved one will appreciate it.
  5. Things to do. Sure, your loved one will be socializing in their facility and having a good time, but they will want something to do when they’re in their room. Whether this means collectible figurines or board games, card games, or even puzzles, your elderly loved one deserves something fun to do.
  6. Blankets. It’s always nice to have an extra blanket for padding, or for nights when it may get a bit nippy.
  7. Extra clothing. The Manor at Marston Lake will launder your loved one’s clothing once a week, but the more clothing they have, the more options they have for outfits.

Moving your aging relative into an assisted care facility is likely to be a difficult thing for both of you. Helping them to feel at home will make it easier for everyone, and will make you feel better about moving them in.